Thursday 7 April 2011

Hugging trees

If I told you right now that I hugged trees this weekend, most of you wouldn't have peeled off the floor laughing by the time I finish writing the article.

As the term ended and all dissertations were submitted, I decided to take a long weekend and stay at my partner's house for a deserved rest. The weather was lovely, this is England we're talking about, so I suggested taking a walk. Strike one. The only walk I tend to take is the 40 meters between my door step and the pub.

It was refreshing to see nature, play with the shapes and greens, climb trees, hold hands, laugh, kiss and feel the sun stroke my face. The birds were chirping, jolly and free.

On the way back, we saw a field, just grass, nobody there. I felt so strangely draw to it, so we went in, I took off my shoes, and walked barefoot on the slightly cold grass. Maybe you know from experience, nothing is as freeing as feeling your toes touch the grass. I jumped around, screamed, danced, did cartwheels, shook my whole body, ran. Then I lied on the ground, I felt like all my negative energy was slowly absorbed, I became calmer than I have ever been in my life. Not ecstatic. No. Just serene, relaxed, at peace and aware of every being around me.

My partner has a lovely backyard, so when we went home, I went out and felt the desire to hug every tree, to achnowledge its existence and thank it for being there. The beauty of nature, its overwhelming presence, its patience and perfect balance was too much to comprehend, I had tears in my eyes.

I wonder, what was in that apple juice that I had, just before we left the house to take that walk?

I've finished writing. Are you still laughing?

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