Wednesday 21 March 2012

Jogging in the sun

I reckon it's important to challenge yourself. Don't get me wrong, so often I cannot be bothered to change my ways, it's difficult, time-consuming, and so often it feels like I've got it all figured out, so why would I change anything about a life I already love?

Well, there's days when I wake up and I already am in a bad mood, and these are usually the days that then turn out fun because the bad mood means I'll do anything to feel better. As I was jogging today in the sun, enjoying the people, the city and its buzz, the green grass next to the canal, the bars and cafes I whizzed by, leaving their customers befuddled with this odd jogging girl, it occurred to me that the reason I was having such a good day was that I had had a bad morning.

See what I did there? Those of you who know me will be confused how it is that I casually dropped into a sentence that I went jogging, when I've spent countless conversations with countless people explaining to them that jogging was the Devil incarnate.  Yet, earlier today, when the sun first peeked through my window and asked if I wanted to come out and play, then saw I enjoyed its company and cheerfully invited itself inside our apartment and certainly inside my body, I felt this overwhelming energy. Yes, Sun, I will come out and play with you!

I knew that thinking about it twice would mean I'd spend another afternoon in my room in front of my laptop, so instead I put on my shoes and closed the door behind me. It's not about the jogging, or even whether I liked it (I came back 20 minutes later, with my tongue out, panting like a dog!), it is about how much I've hated jogging for my whole life. All in good time, and I think today was the perfect day to try this particular thing. Had it been any other day, had I been in a different mood or in a different place, my whole experience would, of course, have been different too. You can't force yourself to like everything that you try, and that's OK, you don't have to like everything. You won't know until you've done it, anyway. But if you do things in your own time, and it happens to be the right time, there's nothing better than expanding your horizons a little bit. I think I may do this again tomorrow.

Though, probably, this was a one time thing and my enthusiasm will go away as quickly as it came.

1 comment:

  1. NOTE: I did go jogging today in the morning again, so it wasn't a one-time thing. Two times so far. Let's see how long I can keep it up for :)
